Aberystwyth Castle Park Co-Curation Event, 22 August 2021

Morris Brodie, Digital Intern at Aberystwyth University On 22 August 2021, we held our second live co-curation event with local refugees. In addition to some refugees and volunteers from AberAid, who we met at our earlier event at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre in July, we were joined by volunteers from Croeso Teifi and a refugee Read More

Behind the Glass: Mysteries of the Imperial War Museum

Morris Brodie, Digital Intern at Aberystwyth University Early in July 2021, in my role as Digital Intern at Aberystwyth University for the Second World War and Holocaust Partnership Programme (SWWHPP), I was lucky enough to get a behind-the-scenes look at the IWM London. Alongside three other interns from Partner organisations in Newcastle, Huddersfield and Bodmin Read More