16 February, 2022
1 category

Congratulations to the 3 successful interdisciplinary AU rural research projects funded by the Rural Futures Hub @ruralfutureshub, RBI and AU. We look forward to seeing the development of these rural research projects.
Rural Futures Hub Pump Prime funded projects will include:
- “A new agro-forestry research & teaching facility at Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre” @uplandresources @ADThomas #Pwllpeiran @ibers_aber @AU_DGES @aberuni
- “Developing the concept of Regenerative Tourism for Rural Wales” @AU_DGES @Aberbschool @aberuni
- “Losing the last bank in town”-Developing an open source platform to quantify the spatial variation and accessibility of services, amenities, and enterprises in rural areas @IBERS @AberCompSci @AU_DGES
Category: Uncategorised