Getting Started with LinkedIn Learning!

Have you heard about LinkedIn Learning? Are you interested in learning how to use this resource to help you develop a range of skills, including your digital skills?  LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform which is available for free to all students at Aberystwyth University. It contains an extensive digital library of expert-led courses and short videos, which will support you in developing your professional skills, learning new software, and exploring other areas.  During this session, we will demonstrate how to:

  • Navigate the platform and search for relevant content
  • Display certificates for completed courses and your personal LinkedIn profile
  • Group content based on a particular topic, or content you want to watch at another time, as personal collections

Manylion y Sesiwn

📅 Dyddiad: 09 Tachwedd 2023

Hyd: 45 munud

💬 Iaith y Sesiwn: Saesneg

👩‍🏫 Seinydd Shân Saunders, Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth

🎥 Recordiad: Gweld Recordiad Sesiwn (30 munud)

💻 PowerPoint: