AI summer school 2025

Course Overview

This interdisciplinary course is designed for researchers and professionals who are interested in extracting novel insights from their datasets. Through interactive and hands-on workshops, participants will gain theoretical and practical knowledge in AI-driven methods and how they can be applied to advance their projects.

The course will support attendees to:

  1. Formulate a personalised research question or objective
  2. Develop data mining and modelling pipelines
  3. Analyze and interpret results
  4. Disseminate findings

The attendees will also have the opportunity to:

  1. Gain experience collaborating with experts outside of their discipline
  2. Develop new perspectives on problem-solving using formal methods
  3. Consider ethical implications of using AI in research and product development.

Participants will be eligible to apply for a follow-up intensive workshop focussed on producing a manuscript for publication.


The course is designed to walk you through the process of using AI to help solve your specific problem. The week will include a mixture of plenary talks, lectures, interactive workshops, and supervisions, culminating in presentations from attendees. At key stages we will split into streams that are focussed on the needs of attendees. 

Day 1: What is AI? Worked example, AI terminology, problem definition

Day 2: Data handling, exploration, cleaning and pre-processing

Day 3: Model selection and development

Day 4: Model evaluation

Day 5: Final stages and Project presentations


The course is designed for individuals with minimal experience in AI. We particularly encourage postgraduate research students, early career researchers and professionals to apply. Those who have a dataset in-hand or are in the process of generating one will be given priority in the application process.


  • April 11: deadline for scholarship applications
  • April 25: final application deadline
  • May 16: applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application
  • May 30: course fee payment deadline
  • June: online consultations with successful applicants
  • June 23-27: if necessary, attend the Introduction to Python precursory training (online or in person)
  • July 11-17: attend the course
  • TBC: follow-up intensive publication workshop

Course fee

Standard fee: £150

Student fee: £50

In addition to the course, the fee will cover:

  1. Optional Introduction to Python training to cover the prerequisite programming skills
  2. Computer access for those who need it
  3. Access to High Performance Computing facilities
  4. Lunch, tea, coffee, and snacks for the week

Note that there will be a limited number of fee waivers available for strong applicants. Please indicate in the application form if you would like to be considered for these.


Email James Strong ( with any questions.